The Oasis - September 20, 2023

Author: Rev. Eric Dupee
September 20, 2023

     Have you ever put off doing something you really wanted to do for a better time? Have you waited to start that exercise program until after the holidays or waited to quit smoking in order to make it a New Year’s resolution? Maybe you are postponing making a change, because you’re assuming there will be a better time in the future. If you are anything like me, you’ve postponed a new initiative for a better time and that better time never came. 
     Sometimes the faithful thing to do is move forward even if the time isn’t perfect. Recently, I was in the White Mountains and hoping to go for a hike. It drizzled all morning. I almost decided not to go. However, something told me to go anyway. Perhaps it was a divine nudge. A short time into the hike, the clouds parted and it became a beautiful day. I was so glad I went, even though the conditions weren’t perfect.
     I memorized a poem created by Rev. James Forbes, the former pastor at the Riverside Church in NYC. He said he recites it every morning before he starts his day.  I used it as the benediction after the worship service two weeks ago. Some of you asked me for the words, so here it is:

     I’m going to take heart and get moving, though the clouds hang heavy and grey.
     If I wait for blue-skied perfection, I’ll be waiting til judgment day.
     Why let myself be held hostage, trapped, and blocked by who knows what?
     Will stand still in sinking sand reverse my fate? Certainly not.

     I’m going to step out and risk living, though the reasons to wait still abound.
     I’ll do what I can in the climate of now, until better days roll around.
     So, take heart my sisters and brothers. Give your spirit a holiday.
     Away with the reasons delaying the season, celebration is the order of the day!



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