The Oasis - December 6, 2022

Author: Rev. Eric Dupee
December 08, 2022

Greetings First Parish,
     Blessings and peace to you. There is so much to experience this Sunday at First Parish! Our monthly hymn sing will take place beginning at 9:45am. I’m guessing we might sing some Christmas carols. Worship will follow at 10am. I have not experienced train Sunday yet, but I’m looking forward to the display during coffee hour.
     When I left the house today, the fog and rain led me to assume this would be a dreary day. As I got closer to the office, I saw the Christmas lights hung in the trees in front of the church and down York Street. It lifted my spirit. It was a sign that, even in gloominess, there is a light that shines. In the words of the prophet, “Arise, shine; for light has come, and the glory of the LORD has risen upon you. For darkness shall cover the earth, and thick darkness the peoples; but the LORD will rise upon you, and his glory will appear over you (Isaiah 60:1-2).”
     It has been anything but dreary at the church offices today. This is the season of giving and First Parish members and folks from the community certainly came through today at the food collection and coat drive organized by the Missions Board. Here is a report on the activity around the church this morning: “An amazing response to our coat AND food drive today amidst the raindrops!!  ‘Coat statistics’ not available yet, but we completely filled the trunk and backseat of a car and the back seat of a big ol’ truck with food and accepted $885. cash donations!!!  THANK YOU!!”



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