The Oasis - March 13, 2024

Author: Rev. Eric Dupee
March 13, 2024

             In my reading about fasting this Lent, the claim is that fasting is liberating. I’m in hour 18 of what I plan to be a 48 hour fast. Knowing me, it will probably be more like 47.5 hours. I always give in and eat a little early. I have to say, I do find it somewhat liberating. I’m not opening the refrigerator door every time I walk by. I’m not having to think about what’s for lunch or what’s for dinner. I don’t feel bad about what I’m putting in my mouth. Perhaps more importantly, it feels good not to give in to my cravings or desires to comfort myself with food. I’m also noting that I feel very alert. I’m getting things done as if I’ve had an extra cup of coffee, when I haven’t had any caffeine at all.
            I also take satisfaction in fasting during Lent, because the Christian year follows the life of Jesus. Beginning with Advent and preparation for Christmas, we then move to Epiphany which marks the arrival in Bethlehem of the Magi. Then, we celebrate the baptism of Jesus prior to beginning his ministry. Our worship services during Holy Week, follow Jesus from his entry into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday, to the institution of the Lord’s Supper on Thursday, to his death on Good Friday, and finally, his resurrection on Sunday. 
            In the 40 days prior to Easter, the season of Lent, we remember that Jesus spent 40 days in the wilderness and fasted. “Jesus, full of the Holy Spirit, returned from the Jordan and was led by the Spirit in the wilderness, where for 40 days he was tempted by the devil. He ate nothing at all during those days, and when they were over, he was famished” (Luke 4:1-2). My Lent observance feels special this year, because as I fast, I feel as though I am following the life of Jesus more closely, this year, than I normally do. For me, it makes life seem a little more sacred.
            How is Lent going for you? Are you doing anything to make this time before Easter a little different? I hope you will make note of our Holy Week services and join us for as many as you can. Please note that our conference minister will join us and preach on Palm Sunday. The Sunrise Service at the Nubble is scheduled for 6:15 AM on Easter. My goal is to arrive at Easter morning famished.


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