The Oasis - July 17, 2024

Author: Rev. Eric Dupee
July 17, 2024

     I realize I’m biased, but theology matters. I’m convinced much is wrong in our world, not because of bad intentions, but because of immature or lazy understandings about God and how God operates in the world. I began to notice bad theology after Hurricane Katrina. Some took to the airwaves and announced that the flooding in and around New Orleans was God’s punishment for the ruckus and promiscuous reputation of New Orleans. Is a hurricane an act of God or an act of nature?
      Now, I’m seeing some bad theology following the assignation attempt on Donald Trump. Theology is for everyone. Anyone who thinks about, studies, or reflects upon divine matters is a theologian. I’m a believer that a lot of harm can come from bad theology. The terrorist attacks on 9/11 were the result of bad theology.
     With this in mind, I invite you to join me for what I will call the “Pastor’s Class” for the rest of the summer. Join me in my office on Tuesdays from 10-11am. I plan to organize each session to cover three vital aspects of faith: prayer, Bible, and theological reflection. 
     We need to be a praying people and a praying church. I want to provide some practical ways for you to establish a prayer life. The Bible is our primary source for thinking theologically. We need to always become more biblically literate. Lastly, I want to spend some time with theological reflection. How does one do it? What is it at stake in my theology? Am I developing a personal theology that is consistent and systematic. We will meet July 23 and 30, August 6, 13, and 20. If you have questions, please contact me.


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