The Oasis - June 5, 2024

Author: Rev. Eric Dupee
June 05, 2024

             As we come to the end of the church year, this Sunday will be the last for the church school until we pick up again in September. Children will receive Bibles and we will express our gratitude to those who taught and assisted with the church school this year. I hope you can be present to celebrate this important ministry.
            Next Sunday will be the last for this church year for the singers and instrumentalists that provide music throughout the year. Those who have been so dedicated with rehearsal and performance in worship, will get a well-earned rest. You won’t want to miss the wonderful music planned for their last Sunday until September.
            I was thinking about the courage it takes to stand before an audience and perform musically, or to teach a church school class, or to take on any number of other responsibilities at the church. There is a popular misconception that the words “do not be afraid” appear 365 times in the Bible, one for every day of the year. That’s not true, but that phrase is repeated dozens and dozens of times. 
            The following is a reflection on fear written by Eugene O’Neill:
Why am I afraid to dance, I who love music and rhythm and grace and song and laughter? Why am I afraid to live, I love life and the beauty of flesh and the living colors of earth and sky and sea? Why am I afraid of love, I who love love? Why am I afraid, I who am not afraid?... Why must I be so ashamed of my strength, so proud of my weakness? Why must I live in a cage like a criminal, defying and hating, I who love peace and friendship? Why was I born without a skin, O God, that I must wear armor in order to touch or to be touched?



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