The Oasis - April 24, 2024

Author: Rev. Dan Hollis
April 24, 2024

     In Sunday School this Easter season the kids have been exploring the stories of the disciples from Palm Sunday all the way through witnessing Christ’s resurrection and ascension to Heaven, to them receiving the Holy Spirit on Pentecost. Along with hearing the stories and doing some crafts that relate to the stories, our Sunday School kids have been learning lessons that the disciples learned as they strove to get to know Jesus in newer, deeper ways. I wanted to share with you something I wrote for one of their recent lessons, because it was something that I needed to be reminded of, and I hope it will be a reminder to you, too.

     In both of our stories today, people didn’t realize that Jesus was right in front of them. Something was keeping them from seeing Jesus, even when he had risen from the dead and gone out to meet them. It wasn’t until they spent a little time and really looked hard that their eyes were opened and they could see what a great gift God had given them. God puts wonderful gifts in our lives, too—gifts from God that sometimes we don’t notice or appreciate, or things we can’t see come from God. Sometimes it’s a gift like an object—something God wants us to have—but sometimes it’s a person God wants us to meet, or something good God wants to happen to us, or an opportunity to do something great. God hides blessings for us in plain sight every day, and we should always be on the lookout so that we can realize it when it happens.
     May it be so.
Pastor Dan

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