The Oasis - February 12, 2025
Author: Rev. Eric Dupee February 12, 2025
Lately, I’ve been thinking a lot about spiritual resilience. As AI indicates, it might be defined as “the ability to maintain one’s sense of purpose and self through life’s challenges.” Thanks to a friend’s social media post, I came across an article that provides insight into spiritual resilience. It was written by Rev. Leah Jacobs Schade, who teaches a Lexington Theological Seminary. She was writing to support spiritual leaders, but I think her idea can apply to anyone.
Rev. Schade suggests that when we find ourselves spiritually overwhelmed or exhausted, we might think of it as being caught in an ocean riptide. What do they tell people do when they feel themselves being pulled out to sea by a strong current? She suggests, “Stay calm, swim parallel to the shore, float and tread water when necessary, ride out the current, and always keep your lifeguard in sight.”
As we all know, when we find ourselves in a riptide, the instinct is to swim like mad to keep from being pulled into deeper water. The conventional wisdom is to save one’s strength. Don’t swim directly against it, but parallel to it. Rather than expend energy fruitlessly, just float. I like the advice to keep one’s lifeguard in sight. Our lifeguards could be a close friend in which we can confide, family, books that have become conversation partners for us, or a spiritual leader. Perhaps Jesus is your lifeguard. Don’t loose sight of the fact that Jesus promised rest to those who would come to him.
Don’t forget the church sanctuary is open from 11am-1pm every day for anyone who feels a need for a place to reflect and pray. And I’ll repeat my announcement from last week related to the weather. We are expecting snow this weekend. There will be worship in some shape or form. However, I don’t expect anyone to take unnecessary risks. That includes deacons, choir members and Sunday school teachers. Don’t feel obligated to risk life and limb to be present. We will plan to livestream whatever it is that takes place on Sunday.