The Oasis - September 30, 2020

Author: Pastor Dan Hollis
October 01, 2020

September 30, 2020
by Pastor Dan

     We are made in the image of God. It says so in Genesis. But what does that mean, exactly? Does it mean that God looks like a person? Does it mean our minds are similar to God’s mind? Does it mean that there are qualities of ourselves that we can recognize in God?
     People have been wondering over it for thousands of years, and there doesn’t really seem to be a concrete answer that everyone agrees upon. One thing that I’ve long believed, though, is that it is possible to see God in other people, and it is possible for others to see God in us. If we don’t try to live into the God that created us, how will anyone be able to see God at all?
     “Pursue peace with everyone, and the holiness without which no one will see the Lord.”  Hebrews 12:14
     Created in the image of God, we—all people—can be conduits for God. If we all strive to live into holiness, it allows others to encounter that holiness more and more in their own lives.
     Acknowledging that changes the way we interact, because if we are the best representatives God has, don’t we have a duty to give it our all?

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